Cancer metastatic to lymph node axilla, Save citation to file

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Apariția unor programe performante de căutare și identificare a similitudinilor între texte [ Since its introduction in the early s, sentinel lymph node biopsy SLNB is regarded as the standard treatment for patients with clinically negative axillary lymph nodes Cancer metastatic to lymph node axilla on initial presentation.

On the other hand, performing complete ALND in case of a positive SLNB is controversial, recent data from randomized controlled studies suggesting that, in these cases, the tumor biology has a greater impact on the adjuvant treatment decision than the completion of an ALND.

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The aim of this review is to ascertain whether axillary LN surgery has survival benefits in women with cancer metastatic to lymph node axilla breast cancer and SLN involvement, either micro-metastatic or macro-metastatic. Moreover, it tries to assess the value of SLN biopsy before and after primary systemic chemotherapy and its role in the staging of the axilla in locally recurrent breast cancer.

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Materials and method. The analysis was restricted to retrospective studies and randomized controlled trials focusing on survival benefits in terms overall OS or disease-free survival DFS.

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There is increasing evidence which indicates that ALND can be avoided in a specific group of patients with early breast cancer, even though the SLNB is positive. A correlation between the clinico-pathological features of the breast cancer and the probability of residual disease in the axilla, could allow the selection of cases in which ALND can be omitted.

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In the context of neo-adjuvant chemotherapy, it is not yet established if positive SLNs could enterobius vermicularis host converted to negative Cancer metastatic to lymph node axilla after chemotherapy as the rate of false-negative results is still high.

Keywords: sentinel lymph node, breast cancer, biopsy, axillary dissection.

Sentinel Lymph Node & Axillary Lymph Node Procedures for Breast Cancer - Mayo Clinic