C diff toxin

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Tema plagiatului este tot mai mult discutată în ultima vreme. Apariția unor programe performante de căutare și identificare a similitudinilor între texte [ We present the case of a 1 year c diff toxin 10 month-old child, diagnosed with hereditary lactose intolerance in the neonatal period, admitted in the Pediatrics Clinic I, Targu-Mures, for vomiting, loss of appetite, decreased c diff toxin stools, with a bed smell, with bacterial infection signs in the blood tests and slowly favorable evolution under treatment with cephalosporin.

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The patient is readmitted after 1 day from discharge with the reappearance of c diff toxin smell stools and loss of appetite, with unfavorable evolution after administering a 3rd generation c diff toxin, thus we raise the suspicion of infection with Clostridium difficile, confirmed by the identification of toxins in the stools, with favorable evolution under treatment for anaerobe germs metronidazole. The particularity of c diff toxin case consists in the development of a gastroenteritis with Clostridium difficile in a small child 1 year and 10 monthsknown with retardation in the neuro-psychomotor and language development, repeated episodes of hypoglycemia, with hereditary lactose intolerance which represented a challenge in establishing the diagnosis.

Cuvinte cheie: Clostridium difficile, child, gastroenteritis, hereditary lactose intolerance Full text  PDF. c diff toxin

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