Helmintiaza purtată de sol

Discovering how stomach cancer spreads Gastric cancer uk Conținutul Leave a comment     share Discovering how stomach cancer spreads A cancer cell.

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Cancer of the stomach is the second most common cause of death due to malignant disease worldwide Scientists at the University of Liverpool have found that the production of a protein that prevents the growth and spread of cancerous cells is impaired in patients with gastric cancer.

Cancer of the stomach is the second most common cause of death due helmintiaza purtată de sol malignant disease worldwide.

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Helmintiaza purtată de sol research findings at Liverpool, however, could contribute to the development of future gastric cancer therapies by restoring the functions of a protein called, TGFβig-h3.

Development of future therapies The protein is released by gastric cancer uk called myofibroblasts, which form part of the supporting tissue around cancer cells. Myofibroblasts are highly mobile cells that produce and release multiple substances that change cancer behaviour by altering their environment, leading to the growth and helmintiaza purtată de sol of cancerous cells.

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Scientists at Liverpool have now discovered that helmintiaza purtată de sol tumours of advanced gastric cancer patients, the myofibroblasts decrease the release of a protein that would normally inhibit the growth and spread of the disease.

This allows targeting of treatments to the area, but in advanced stages of the disease helmintiaza purtată de sol effects of this protein are diminished, increasing the risk of the disease spreading to other parts of the body.

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It is published in Carcinogenesis.