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Each congress represents a historical moment of the veterinary medicine in our country, illustrating the main concerns of veterinarians and the actions that were put in place to prevent and combat animal diseases and to protect public health, the development of the veterinary services and institutions, a gratitude to our illustrious predecessors and anthelmintic ayurvedic medicines active participation in international professional actions and events. A further note is that the Romanian authorities have given special consideration to these events, even participating in them, in appreciation of the work of veterinarians. The themes and issues which were raised and discussed, reflect the awareness and the training level for those periods and a constant desire to improve and to progress. In the following, I briefly present the 11 national congresses that have taken place from to the present and the main themes of the 12th Congress of Veterinary Medicine Program, to be held on Septemberin Cluj-Napoca.

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